Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Concerns of the Week

I have a Finished Object (FO) to announce: Mystery Xmas gift #1 parts 1 and 2. I am going to be coy with the pictures for Christmas gifts meant for family members. For now all I will say is: they match and they are so warm! I am pleased with the results.  I still have left over yarn from parts 1 + 2 so Mystery Xmas gift #1 may get a part 3.

I'm probably what you think I am but maybe not.

I had a brain wave this afternoon. I realized that I have knit many items for my daughters but nothing to date for my son. He has mentioned this disparity many times and has a long list of items he'd like me to make for him. He really likes knit socks so that had been my plan for his birthday. He still has small feet so it is a bonus for me- a quick(er) knit!  But I had a better idea...

When he was an infant I had tried to make him a baby sweater with a smiley intarsia skull and cross bones on the front but the project was set aside and never completed for several reasons:
  1. I had never knit intarsia before and found this to be way more challenging that I had anticipated.
  2. I made a horrible yarn choice. I order, quite possibly, the scratchiest and bramble and debris filled raw yarn possible. I had knit half of the pieces and kept telling myself that it would soften with washing but I was not convinced. Even I was feeling twitchy and I LIKE scratchy yarn against my skin.
  3. He was growing faster than I could knit the thing. I tossed the 6 month size sweater pieces when he turned 4.
I'm having thoughts about trying a different and larger version of the same sweater. This bears more thought...

What's on my needles right now:
  • Sock #2 for Georgia started and about 25% complete 
  • Mystery Xmas gift #2- I am not sure how much I like this project and may frog it. However, I am giving myself more time to decide... the thought of doing another 48 repeats on this project currently makes me want to hide.
  • Queen of Diamonds Scarf- on-going- self made scarf pattern.
My queue:
  • Olivia's birthday socks or shawl (October) - she's waffling on what she wants
  • Finn's birthday socks or sweater? (December)  - as above
  • Baby sweater for sister-in-law's friend- Christmas 2012
  • Mystery Xmas gift #1- part 3?
  • Phoenix Rising Vergennes Sweater #2- this will be my second try at this sweater. I gave the first one to my sister. The first looked really good and I loved the yarn but I was unhappy with the final size. I have already swatched and I am ready to cast on!
  • Baby sweater for friend due March 2013
  • Baby sweater for family 2013
My queue keeps getting longer. I think I need to make some decisions and get a few other projects moving this week!

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